2 Haziran 2008 Pazartesi


The first wave of the women’s movement, beginning mid-19th C.
  • Raising demands on education, marriage, property, wage, and voting rights
  • Developing as a result of the mutual impact between ideas developed since the Enlightenment & the French revolution and the material effects of industrial revolution
    (The role of the labor movement, the change in the middle class bringing new demands on political rights)

The concept of women’s emancipation as a discourse of national narrative, where healthy and educated women would raise a healthy and progressive nation.

The shift from Ottoman feminism to Republican concept of women’s emancipation, granting public rights while closing the chapter on domestic rights, until the women’s movement of the 1980s.

Remembering Olympe de Gouge, Virginia Wolfe, Nezihe Muhittin and Halide Edip Adıvar