27 Mayıs 2008 Salı


Meiji Modernity and Asian Empire

Asian Revolutions

Meiji Japan as an example of how to modernize as a modern empire (not a nation state) with a nation state core and colonial possessions as the really common experience of 19th century and even twentieth century major power players of the West as well as Japan. Point is that it is a distortion to think modern capitalism/industry/modernist social educational revolutions are based on the nation state frame alone.

Japanese Industrial Revolution 1868-1920 first phase is the model that Asian countries are following to this day. i. e. state/government business collaboration, corporate structures of production, cheap labor, export consumer industries for world markets. Japan did in the 20s and 30s what China is doing now with 60s technology of Japanese firms transplanted to China. Korea and Singapore are using 70s and 80s electronic industries of Japan.

Late Modernizers

Japan, China, India

Weak state model for modernization and revolution
China example
Decentralized regional modern reforms by
local power elites: bureaucrats, warlords,
Political Disunity 1912-1949
Nationalist Republic of China, Chinese Communist Party
Soviets, Warlords

Conclusion: Even if there is political disunity social and economic processes continue as
the background of the Peoples Republic of China and today's China

Colonial Model


India's entry to capitalistic economic production/integration to European type modern state structures of centralized administration, education, etc. result partly of the British colonial experience. Hence, while colonialism is politically an unequal experience as native elites are subject to the authority of an alien elite, from a social and economic perspective modernism's entry starts via the filtering "distortions" of colonialism.